Calligraphy Chinese Ink

This Calligraphy work using Chinese ink on paper was suffering from yellowing and general mould spots. The silk backing was also looking its age. We removed the existing silk backing, thoroughly cleaned the original artwork and attached to a new backing. It looks as good as new as you can see from the various before and after images below.


The silk backing is brown and mouldy, whilst the original calligraphy work has turned a dark shade of yellow and has many small brown mould spots.

Calligraphy Chinese ink on paper mould and yellow staining


A new backing has been added giving the work a fresh look. The yellow discolouration of the main artwork and mould spots are completely gone.

Calligraphy Chinese ink on paper after restoration

Below you can find some better close-up shots highlighting the mould spots, discolouration and damage before and after.

Calligraphy Chinese ink on paper mould and yellow staining

Chinese ink on paper after restoration

Calligraphy Chinese ink on paper mould and yellow staining

Chinese ink on paper after restoration

Calligraphy Chinese ink on paper mould and yellow staining

Chinese ink on paper after restoration