Heather Goodwind

Selected works

Heather Goodwind

Heather Goodwind

Heather Goodwind was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania in 1973. She graduated from Portland State University with a BA in Sculpture.

Heather spent a significant amount of time in China, studying traditional Chinese calligraphy and ink painting under renowned Chinese calligraphers and ink painters. She collects elements of traditional Chinese ink painting, and combines the calligraphy technique with western materials to create her unique masterpieces.

Her works and projects are constructed in series; she translates gradual movements of her intuition onto the material within each series. Each of Heather’s drawings explores a singular idea or concept in a pleasantly abstract manner, leaving enough room for the interpretation of the viewer.

Heather Goodwind has been a participant in the Palacio Mexico artists’ cooperative from 2005-7.She currently resides and works in Portland, Oregon.

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Visit Us

Our gallery: 120 Lower Delta Road, #08-01/02 Cendex Centre, 169208 Lots of parking available
Call Us or Whatsapp: +65 8043 5483
Operating hours:

Tue - Fri 10am - 6pm
Sat 10am - 5pm

Its appreciated if you can make an appointment beforehand