Lingmuki (Lin Ling)


Lingmuki, born in Nanjing, is an artist and graphic designer based in Hong Kong. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Hong Kong Baptist University’s Academy of Art, as well as a Master of Design degree from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s School of Design.

Lingmuki’s plethora of work ranges from oil on canvas paintings to whimsical illustrations depicting Chinese or South-East Asia landscapes with her contemporary, fresh outlook. The influence of her Chinese heritage is evident in her mountainous landscapes, with familiar themes of Shan Shui, traditional Chinese ink paintings of mountains and waterscapes. As a young artist, Ling presents a whimsical, playful interpretation with thick, colorful brushstrokes of oil on canvas, swirling clouds and there is always movement sign of life in her landscapes; with miniature animals or portrayals of life in action magnifying the towering mountains and vastness of the seascape. As a sharp contrast, her landscape paintings are far from the quiet solitude of the traditional Shan Shui, rather it is a riot of colours and movement reflecting the present, contemporary world.

Lingmuki has accomplished multiple awards, including the International Council of Visual Arts Award, the Asian Youth Art and Design Alliance, and the Global Chinese Art Design Award. Her work has been exhibited extensively throughout Hong Kong and China as well as England and Australia and she has been featured in various platforms include Obscura Magazine, RTHK, HK01, ELLE, AucArt and HK ARTION.

Jiang Wanlin Artist